The Most Boring Site on the Web...

I am posting our household inventory lists here.


Because I'm organizing our hoard, and we need a digital place to park the lists, you know, just in case of fire, tornado, flood, earthquake, theft, etc.

There will be nothing fancy here, perhaps a few pictures, occasional insights, mostly laborious lists of questionable possessions belonging to anonymous people who, in the greater scheme of things, really do not matter.

You might wonder why I'm doing this...

Because no one in my house wants to throw anything away, and I'm tired of looking at it--no--TRIPPING over it, so I have embarked on a long-term project of inventorying it, packing it up, and putting it out of sight and out of mind.

So when we die, our children can deal with it, but in a more organized fashion.

So if you LOVE reading tedious lists of other people's boring junk, then this is the place for you.

Otherwise, you would do well to move along.

But as long as you behave, you're still welcome...


Have a nice day!

Box #11a–Picture Frames and Photos in Frames–2012

Banker’s Box

1. 8x10 Walnut-finish Double hinged frame

2. 5x7 Silver frame, 1

3. 5x7 Wood frame, 1

4. 5x7 Orangish Frame, 1

5. 4x6 Orangish frame, 2

6. 4x6 Silver frame, 1

7. 3.5x5 silver frame, 3

8. 2x3 silver frame, 3

9. Small Superman frame (In box)

10. United We Stand, 4x6 Silverplate frame

11. Leather and Wood Frame with heart-shaped viewing area

12. Tiny metal Frame

Photos in Frames:

13. Jennifer with Scoop Jackson and other members of the Democratic Party (color, 1976)

14. UPI Photo: Jennifer kissing Scoop Jackson on the cheek (Black and White, 1976)

15. Jennifer in Dover, Harriet Brown’s (color, circa December 1970)

16. Jennifer, age 4 (Winter 1955)

17. Jennifer at Indian Steps (Pennsylvania), circa 1974-76

18. Mary Lou S., about age 15 (Jennifer’s Mother) (Black and White, circa 1946) (Oval frame)

19. Jennifer, about 1974-75


(House, Family Room: 2012)