1. 8x10 Walnut-finish Double hinged frame
2. 5x7 Silver frame, 1
3. 5x7 Wood frame, 1
4. 5x7 Orangish Frame, 1
5. 4x6 Orangish frame, 2
6. 4x6 Silver frame, 1
7. 3.5x5 silver frame, 3
8. 2x3 silver frame, 3
9. Small Superman frame (In box)
10. United We Stand, 4x6 Silverplate frame
11. Leather and Wood Frame with heart-shaped viewing area
12. Tiny metal Frame
13. Jennifer with Scoop Jackson and other members of the Democratic Party (color, 1976)
14. UPI Photo: Jennifer kissing Scoop Jackson on the cheek (Black and White, 1976)
15. Jennifer in Dover, Harriet Brown’s (color, circa December 1970)
16. Jennifer, age 4 (Winter 1955)
17. Jennifer at Indian Steps (Pennsylvania), circa 1974-76
18. Mary Lou S., about age 15 (Jennifer’s Mother) (Black and White, circa 1946) (Oval frame)
19. Jennifer, about 1974-75
(House, Family Room: 2012)