1. Tube:______________________________________Two Mark Twain Posters2. Adelita: A Mexican Cinderella Story
Serious Farm
Cal Ripken, Jr., “American Spirit”
A Dog Story
Shy Charles
Call of the Wolves
Is Your Mama a LlamaWe the Kids3. History Teaches Us:
Seen a Good Book Lately?
Watch Out for These Weirdos
Jake Baked the Cake
Georgia’s Literary HeritageShrek: Overachiever, Pass It On4. Life Size Poster of Cal Ripken, Jr. (Purple Background)
Captain Underpants
The Great Tree of AvalonSleeptime, 35. Tube:
Dirty Little Boy
September 11 PosterOpen Wide, 36. Tube:
Uptown, 2
Quinine Blue, 2
Curious George, Happy Birthday
Signet Classic, A Portable Library of Literary Masterpieces
Pig and Crow
Milos Hat Trick
Signed Sammy Sosa Print, signed by artist (not by Sosa)Giants Poster, 19927. Tube:
Ripken Poster
Downtown Vegas
Marty Cordova (40), Orioles
Censorship Causes Blindness
Escher PosterSigned Everett Spruill Poster (Jazz Poster Bought at Epcot)8. Tube:
The Greatest Show on Earth (Circus Poster)
Maya Angelou
Woody Guthrie
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice
The Boy’s King Arthur
The Mitten
Will’s Mammoth
MacDougal, Littel English
Georgia Literary Heritage
Spelling Method StudyBeanie Poster9. Orange Plastic Wrap:Thanks, Cal, 2
Ripken, 1
(Shed: 2012)